Peter Meade, Brian McGrory, Jack Beatty, Mayor Tom Menino
John F. Kennedy Library
Jill Abramson, James Carroll, Jill Ker Conway, Hendrick Hertzberg, Christopher Lydon and former Massachusetts Supreme Court Justice Margaret Marshall
John F. Kennedy Library
Robert Pinsky, Charles Simic, Rose Styron, Kevin Cullen.
John F. Kennedy Library
Robert Dallek, Timothy Naftali, Nicolas Lemann, Thomas Mallon, Andrew Young
John F. Kennedy Library
Allida Black, Eleanor Clift, Sue Cobble, Jill Ker Conway, Ellen Fitzpatrick, Sandra Fluke, Aileen Hernandez, Anita Hill, Tracy Roosevelt, Hilda Solis
UMass Boston Campus Center
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Thomas Fitzgerald, Eileen McNamara
John F. Kennedy Library
Sebastian Junger, Renee Loth
John F. Kennedy Library
Clayborne Carson, Harris Wofford, Congressman John Lewis, and others.
John F. Kennedy Library
Sebastian Junger, filmmaker and journalist Renee Loth, former editor of the Editorial Page for The Boston Globe
John F. Kennedy Library
For the latest information regarding each event please contact the presenting organization.