Peter B. Kaufman is Senior Program Officer at MIT Open Learning, founder of Intelligent Television and author of several books including The New Enlightenment.
Richard Seymour, a writer and broadcaster from Northern Ireland, has been watching the disturbing political developments in Europe and elsewhere; his latest book, Disaster Nationalism, analyzes the roots, influencers and threats that this global shift poses. Sasha Abramsky, political journalist and writing lecturer at UC Davis, is a correspondent for The Nation magazine. Michelle Lynn Kahn is an Associate Professor of Modern European History at the University of Richmond, specializing in the history of far-right extremism, racism, and migration.
Dr. Krutika Kuppalli, infectious disease specialist and global health physician, who advises the W.H.O on emerging diseases and Crawford Kilian, science and health reporter, who has blogged about H5N1 avian flu and other potential hazards to global health since 2005.
Greg Epstein
RYAN BUSSE, a former firearms executive pulls back the curtain on America's multibillion-dollar gun industry, exposing how it has fostered extremism and racism, radicalizing the nation and bringing cultural division to a boiling point. Busse provides consulting services to progressive organizations with the aim of undoing the country's dangerous radicalization. He lives in Montana.
Clancy Martin is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. He is also a happily married father of five children. His latest book, How Not to Kill Yourself is a portrait of the suicidal mind – his own – and in it he provides both a personal account of the multiple attempts he had made to end his life but also the positive strategies he has devised to safeguard his future and that of others.
Gary Marcus, author of Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence we can trust and Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Neural Science at NYU. Also Jane Rosenzweig, Director of the Harvard Writing Center, a past staff editor at The Atlantic and fiction writer at The New Yorker.
Tracy Kidder has won the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, the Robert F. Kennedy Award, and many other literary prizes. His books include Mountains Beyond Mountains, Strength in What Remains, The Soul of a New Machine, House, Among Schoolchildren, Old Friends, Hometown and A Truck Full of Money.
First Parish Church in Cambridge
Deborah Korn, PsyD, an internationally renowned expert in EMDR, is the co-author of a new book on the subject “EVERY MEMORY DESERVES RESPECT”. Michael Baldwin (the book’s co-author) is a branding and communication professional in New York, who credits EMDR with saving his life after decades of unsuccessful therapy..
Artist Peter Sacks is an expatriate of South Africa and is currently presenting his first solo museum exhibition at the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University.
For the latest information regarding each event please contact the presenting organization.