Lowell Lecture

WOW: World of Wearable Art - Opening Day Deep Dive

Date & Time

Feb. 18, 2017 at 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Peabody Essex Museum
161 Essex St. Salem , MA 01970
Driving Directions


CONVERSATION Creating Wearable Art 1–2 pm | Morse Auditorium Reservations by February 17 New York-based designer Miodrag Guberinic together with House of Cach fashion and art gallery owner Alexa Cach picked up three awards for their 2016 WOW® World of WearableArt™ entries. Join them as they discuss their inspirations, collaborative processes and what it is like to participate in the annual international design competition. Shoshana Resnikoff, PEM’s assistant curator for exhibitions and research, moderates this conversation.

ADULT WORKSHOP WOW®-Inspired Accessories 10–11:30 am | Studio 1, Create Space Space limited; Reservations by February 17 Transform vinyl banners, embroidery floss, printed cotton and acrylic paints into unique pieces that can be worn for any occasion. Fiber artist Rachel Chambers leads this hand-on workshop.

PERFORMANCE Stilt Dancers Noon–3 pm | Atrium Pushing the boundaries of what traditional circus means, the stilt dancers of the Boston Circus Guild present an astonishing spectacle. Observe their remarkable skills and interact with these talented artists.

DROP-IN ART MAKING Upcycled Wearable Art 1–4 pm | Atrium Create wearable art pins from upcycled vinyl museum banners. Led by fiber artist Rachel Chambers.

DEMONSTRATIONS Transforming Wood into Wearable Art Noon – 4 pm, Atrium
Combining natural forms and time-honored craftsmanship, woodworker Richard Crangle creates breathtaking pieces that defy logic and blur the boundaries of what is “wearable,” such as his Raven Dress, made of more than 500 hand-cut wood “feathers.”

Metamorphosis of Sea Shells Noon–4 pm, Atrium Watch artist and award-winning WOW® designer Lorene Ireland deftly assemble seashells, fine china mosaics and other materials to create her fantastical garments.

Presenting Organization

Peabody Essex Museum


Adult Education Courses


Jennifer Evans (jennifer_evans@pem.org, 978-542-1528)

Explore garment design, construction and materials with fashion designers, costume makers, and other artisans. Enjoy art making, performance and demonstrations.