June 4, 2015
IMAX Theater at New England Aquarium
1 Central Wharf Boston, MA 02110
Driving Directions
Samantha Woods, Executive Director, North and South Rivers Watershed Association and Pam DiBona, Executive Director, Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Program
Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay are bordered by 50 communities, home to 1.7 million people, all of whom impact the Bays in one way or another. The MassBays National Estuary Program, one of 28 NEPs established under the Clean Water Act, is charged with assessing those impacts, and reporting on trends over time - addressing questions like "Is water quality in the Bays improving?" and "Are herring coming back to our rivers?" and even, "Can our salt marshes survive sea level rise?"
Join MassBays Director Pam DiBona for a report on the State of the Bays based on a recent scientific symposium, and Samantha Woods, Director of the North and South Rivers Watershed Association, who brings hundreds of volunteers to the task of finding answers to these questions.
Reception to follow.