Lowell Lecture

THE MOVING IMAGE: a force to be reckoned with

Date & Time

March 4, 2025 at 5 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.


, MA
Driving Directions


Peter B. Kaufman is Senior Program Officer at MIT Open Learning, founder of Intelligent Television and author of several books including The New Enlightenment.

Presenting Organization

Cambridge Forum


Mary Stack (director@cambridgeforum.org, 6174952727)

Cambridge Forum invites author Peter B. Kaufman to discuss the findings of his new book, The Moving Image: A User’s Manual (MIT Press). Kaufman describes video’s vital role in politics, law, education, and entertainment today, only 130 years since the birth of film. He explains how the moving image—not social media, not A.I., but TV networks and online video—has played such an outsized role in bringing personalities like Trump, Putin, Modi, and Netanyahu to the front of the world stage – and thus to our attention.